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From YouTube: Istio: Weaving the Service Mesh [I] - Shriram Rajagopalan, IBM & Louis Ryan, Google


Istio: Weaving the Service Mesh [I] - Shriram Rajagopalan, IBM & Louis Ryan, Google

With the rapid adoption of microservices new tools are needed to load-balance, route, secure and monitor the traffic that flows between them. Istio provides a common networking, security, policy and telemetry substrate for services that we call a ‘Service-Mesh’. Come learn how the service-mesh helps with the transition to microservices, to empower operations teams, to adopt security best-practices and much more. We’ll also cover the state of the project, where it’s headed and how you can get involved.

About Shriram Rajagopalan
Shriram Rajagopalan is a researcher at IBM Research. He works closely with IBM's enterprise customers developing platforms and solutions for microservice deployments. He has had diverse experience in developing various aspects of the software stack over the last decade. He has worked on the Xen hypervisor, the Linux kernel, network function virtualization, and recently on the Istio service mesh and Lyft's Envoy.

About Louis Ryan
Louis Ryan is a Principal Engineer at Google working on APIs and microservices. Prior to working on Istio he co-authored the GRPC spec and ran the infrastructure that supports Googles consumer facing APIs.
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