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From YouTube: Tutorial: Hands-on Gitops - Brice Fernandes, Weaveworks


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Tutorial: Hands-on Gitops - Brice Fernandes, Weaveworks (Limited Seating Available - See Description for Details)

In this hands-on tutorial, Brice Fernandes from Weaveworks will go through setting up and using a Gitops pipeline to manage a Kubernetes cluster. This will include setting up monitoring and metric visualisation as well as managing the monitoring configuration using Gitops.After taking this tutorial, attendees will be able to:* Set up their own Gitops pipeline to manage their kubernetes cluster* Compare the desired state of a Kubernetes cluster against the actual state* Deploy Prometheus and Grafana to a Kubernetes cluster* Set up a continuous deployment pipeline for Kubernetes workloadsAttendees should:* Know of kubernetes and the kubectl command line.* Be comfortable with Git* Be comfortable with the Unix command lineNo preparation needed. Attendees will be provided with an online environment to use during the tutorial. Bring a laptop with a modern browser.

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