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From YouTube: 10 Weird Ways to Blow Up Your Kubernetes - Melanie Cebula & Bruce Sherrod, Airbnb


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10 Weird Ways to Blow Up Your Kubernetes - Melanie Cebula & Bruce Sherrod, Airbnb

It’s a brand new world in infrastructure with the advent of microservices, containerization, Kubernetes, and service mesh. And all is well. Or is it? Find out how easy it is to break container runtimes, abuse your service mesh, and take all of your production services down-- the results will surprise you! In the last year Airbnb scaled up to over 700 services in Kubernetes, running on all types of workloads across 1000s of nodes and dozens of clusters. We’ve learned a lot along the way and have some of our favorite stories to share-- from weird bugs, to hacky workarounds, to serious downtime. Favorites include: - “Just what is the autoscaler doing”? - “Knock knock, It’s Kube-DNS” - “Whose PID is it anyway”? and more!