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From YouTube: kubeadm deep dive (SIG Cluster Lifecycle) - Fabrizio Pandini, VMware & Yago Nobre, Nubank


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kubeadm deep dive (SIG Cluster Lifecycle) - Fabrizio Pandini, VMware & Yago Nobre, Nubank

What a year for kubeadm! After reaching GA at the very beginning of this year, the kubeadm project growth never stopped, and now it is time to start defining the roadmap for the next big milestone of this project. Don’t miss this talk if you want to understand what are the driving forces for kubeadm evolution, if you want to take your first opportunity to influence the roadmap, or, least but not last, if you are considering to step up as a new contributor helping making this happen. We’ll reserve time to talk about how to get involved with SIG Cluster Lifecycle and kubeadm, for all your questions, concerns, and feature requests!