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From YouTube: Panel: Enterprise-grade, On-prem Kubeflow in the Financial Sector


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Panel: Enterprise-grade, On-prem Kubeflow in the Financial Sector - Laura Schornack, JPMorgan Chase; Jeff Fogarty, US Bank; Josh Bottum, Arrikto; & Thea Lamkin, Google

This presentation will explore the journeys of two ML architects from JPMorgan Chase and US Bank, who have deployed Kubeflow into their on-premise environments. These subject matter experts will review their pre-installation checklists, their software architectures, and their operating expectations. They will pinpoint the critical features for an enterprise-grade deployment like authentication and authorization, data management, credentials management, and support for air gapped environments. They will also discuss their collaboration with the Kubeflow code contributors to define requirements and develop new functionality. The talk will include a review of planned Kubeflow enhancements, and a roadmap for those deliveries by code contributors to the Kubeflow On-Prem Special Interest Group (SIG).