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From YouTube: Panel: GitOps User Stories


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Panel: GitOps User Stories - Tamao Nakahara & Stefan Prodan, Weaveworks; Javeria Khan, Palo Alto Networks; Hubert Chen, Branch; & Edward Lee, Intuit

The expression, GitOps, has taken off and resonated in the Kubernetes community since its launch by Weaveworks in 2017. GitOps is a way to do Continuous Delivery by using git as a single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications. Meet actual GitOps practitioners in this panel, hear their use cases, challenges, constraints, and which tools they use to execute GitOps. If you’ve been wanting to get started, learn from these actual solutions: *Automated Helm-based deployments for code and infrastructure changes through Jenkins and GitLab at Palo Alto Networks *Simplified access control for Kubernetes clusters using Weave Flux at Branch *Flux, Terraform and Vault, oh my! Unique ways Under Armour leverages GitOps *GitOps at Scale: Patterns and processes enabling Intuit to manage thousands of applications and repositories, across 100+ clusters using Jenkins and Argo CD