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From YouTube: GitOps Is Likely More Than You Think It Is - Cornelia Davis, Weaveworks


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GitOps Is Likely More Than You Think It Is - Cornelia Davis, Weaveworks

While the term “GitOps” has achieved almost mainstream use, confusion remains around what it is and the benefits it can bring. True, it involves continuous delivery (CD), but the way delivery is achieved as well as how CD interacts with workload operations, that is where GitOps gets really interesting. True, part of GitOps is leveraging Git abstractions like branches, pull requests and approval flows to manage the operational process, but GitOps is far more than the last step of CI. Instead it is about leveraging the most fundamental element of Kubernetes, reconciliation, both for CD and to link CD with the reconcilers that are automating workload operations. In this session Cornelia will cover the four key principles of GitOps, and she’ll demo those concepts with specific tools including Flux. She’ll also talk about use cases including cluster-api (CAPI).