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From YouTube: Hands-On Stateful Serverless Applications with K8s and Stateful Functions - Seth Wiesman, Ververica


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Hands-On Stateful Serverless Applications with K8s and Stateful Functions - Seth Wiesman, Ververica

Stateful Functions ( is a framework that makes it simple to build consistent stateful serverless applications. StateFun is designed to work with popular event-driven FaaS platforms like AWS Lambda, KNative, etc., and provides out-of-the-box consistent state and reliable messaging to FaaS platforms, in a way that preserves the serverless experience and elasticity of these platforms. Stateful Functions is not a library that proxies state access to a database, but an independent event-driven stack replacing the traditional database. The talk will take the audience step-by-step through building and deploying a Stateful Functions application that tracks user events and runs a stateful ML classifier.