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From YouTube: Conformance Testing the Kubernetes API: Tooling that Makes the D... Stephen Heywood & Caleb Woodbine


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Conformance Testing the Kubernetes API: Tooling that Makes the Difference - Stephen Heywood & Caleb Woodbine,

The Certified Kubernetes Conformance Program enables organizations to have confidence that their workloads will interoperate from one installation of Kubernetes to the next. In 2018, to ensure that organization can have the assurance that their workloads can move between vendors the CNCF turned the spotlight on improving the conformance test coverage of the Kubernetes API. This effort has brought us from ~20% of endpoints conformance tested in 1.15 to over 75% by 1.22. Most of the success can be attributed to the tooling developed to streamline the process of locating new endpoints to test before creating a PR to the Kubernetes repo. The tooling helps with identifying the current gaps in conformance, exploring endpoints, writing tests and verifying the test results. In this presentation Stephen will walk us through the tooling that will help us test the remaining 25% of the Kubernetes API.