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From YouTube: Clusterless - Utilizing a Cluster of Clusters Seamlessly - Fei Guo, Alibaba & Chris Hein, Apple


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Clusterless - Utilizing a Cluster of Clusters Seamlessly - Fei Guo, Alibaba & Chris Hein, Apple

Multi-cluster support in Kubernetes becomes more and more important for application efficiency, better resource utilization and breaking the geographic boundary. While existing open source projects like Karmada, Tensile-Kube, Liqo, Admiralty, and more have addressed challenges in multi-cluster management such as configuration, lifecycle management, they either introduce new APIs/management workflows or have scalability limitations in terms of scheduling throughput. In this talk, a new Clusterless design is introduced to reduce the management burden of multi-cluster users. Basically, multiple clusters are abstracted as Pod resource providers, connecting to a management cluster which is exposed to the users. There are no new APIs introduced hence the consistent user experiences are preserved. The Pod dispatching is done by a highly efficient two-level scheduling algorithm which can achieve O(n) scheduling throughput, where n is the number of managed clusters.