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From YouTube: Tips And Tricks To Successfully Migrate From Jaeger To OpenTelemetry - Vineeth Pothulapati


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Tips And Tricks To Successfully Migrate From Jaeger To OpenTelemetry - Vineeth Pothulapati, Timescale Inc

Speakers: Vineeth Pothulapati
With Jaeger announcing the end of life for all Jaeger client libraries and recommending all users to migrate to OpenTelemetry SDKs, for many users, it is becoming important to plan an effective migration from Jaeger to OpenTelemetry. But this migration isn't simple. There are multiple ways to perform it, each one implying different tradeoffs; besides, Jaeger has some fantastic features (such as remote-controlled samplers or per- operation-based adaptive sampling) that could be lost during the migration, if best practices are not followed. In this talk, we’ll discuss some of the best approaches to the migration from Jaeger to OpenTelemetry, the different paths that organizations can take and its related implications, and what users can do to not lose any of the Jager functionality they really love when moving to OpenTelemetry. We will illustrate everything with a demo application, which will be using the Jaeger client at the start of the session and will have migrated to OpenTelemetry by the end.