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From YouTube: The Windows Operational Readiness Specification - Amim Moises Salum Knabben & Xinqi Li, VMware


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The Windows Operational Readiness Specification - Amim Moises Salum Knabben & Xinqi Li, VMware

Speakers: Amim Knabben, Xinqi Li
Windows nodes have been a bit of an enigma in the Kubernetes community for some time. What do they support? How are they different from Linux nodes? And what “Conformance” standards should they adhere to in an enterprise environment? In this talk, we’ll introduce the Sig-Windows operational readiness specification which does for Windows what the Kubernetes Conformance tests have provided for Linux clusters: A standard for defining a fully functional Kubernetes environment. We’ll go through the 6 categories of Enterprise Windows use cases that we’ve identified as part of our Operational Readiness tests for windows, how each one is tested and how this framework works under the hood. We’ll also demonstrate how we use it to verify advanced “realistic” Windows scenarios, such as GMSA and Windows NetworkPolicy support.