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From YouTube: Migrating From Single-Node Kubernetes Control Plane To HA In Product... Cong Yue & David Oppenheimer


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Migrating From Single-Node Kubernetes Control Plane To HA In Production - Cong Yue & David Oppenheimer, Databricks

Databricks adopted Kubernetes in 2016, before highly available (HA) Kubernetes control plane deployments were common. As a result, we built our self-managed Kubernetes clusters using a single-node control plane in AWS, and then later also on Azure and GCP. Recently we migrated these production clusters to use a multi-node control plane, which provides higher reliability and enables us to upgrade Kubernetes versions more safely and therefore faster across the fleet. In this talk we describe the architecture we chose for our HA control plane, how we safely migrated a fleet of clusters from a single-node control plane to HA without affecting workloads in production, and how we adapted some of our Day 2 operations to accomodate multi-node control plane.