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From YouTube: Multi-Cluster Stateful Set Migration: A Solution To Upgrade Pain - Peter Schuurman & Matt Schallert


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Multi-Cluster Stateful Set Migration: A Solution To Upgrade Pain - Peter Schuurman, Google & Matt Schallert, Chronosphere

As more stateful workloads like Redis, Kafka, or custom DBs are migrated to Kubernetes, what operational paradigms need to change to support moving state across clusters and maintaining availability during migration? How do admins safely and reliably perform Day 2 operations and maintenance events while protecting the data and state of the app? What visibility is needed? Today, cluster administrators design complex workflows for data replication, pod and persistent volume migration, and state management for Day 2 ops. What if there was a way to seamlessly migrate StatefulSets between node pools or across clusters to simplify problems related to upgrades, workload migration, and stretching clusters? The speakers will demonstrate the complex patterns developed at Chronosphere to safely migrate stateful workloads to coordinate maintenance operations for thousands of pods across multiple zones and regions. They will then discuss a new enhancement to Kubernetes called StatefulSet Partition which is integrated into a multi-cluster deployment like Chronosphere's and how this can dramatically simplify their operations to focus instead on core business logic.