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From YouTube: API Evolution With CRDs: Best Practices For Authoring & Fuzz Test... James Munnelly & Andrea Tosatto


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API Evolution With CRDs: Best Practices For Authoring & Fuzz Testing APIs - James Munnelly & Andrea Tosatto, Apple

CustomResourceDefinitions are prolific in Kubernetes. With so many new projects being prototyped, developed and released into the ecosystem, it's essential to ensure you're designing your APIs in a scalable, well tested way. Projects like Kubebuilder and the Operator Framework provide plentiful tooling to keep you on 'the straight and narrow', but some fundamental issues still trip up even the most experienced Kubernetes engineers. In this talk, we'll go over strategies & tooling that can help ensure you are successful when authoring and evolving your APIs, including:

* How to ensure your APIs follow best practices/standards (and linting OpenAPI schemas!)
* Fuzz & integration testing API version conversion functions to ensure platform stability in your clusters
* Automatically validating your OpenAPI schemas are up to date for your type definitions
* Best practices in 2022 for writing validations & mutations
* Ensuring your OpenAPI schema changes are backwards compatible within an API version

James has helped bring various API groups to stability across projects in the ecosystem and both he and Andrea have experience with unique problems that are found when projects reach a certain scale & maturity, having helped take CRDs through a full alpha to beta to GA deprecation cycle.