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From YouTube: DevOps in Data Science: What Works and What Doesn’t - Chase Christensen & Stefano Fioravanzo


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DevOps in Data Science: What Works and What Doesn’t - Chase Christensen & Stefano Fioravanzo, Arrikto

We all want more models and better business buy-ins from our ML projects. Often before questioning quality, we begin spending far too much time engineering overly ambitious model development life cycles. When it comes to productizing a model, ML engineers want DevOps. Data Scientists want simplicity. This often leads to tension and technical debt.

Our goal was to leverage Kubeflow (the most widely used and mature OSS MLOps platform) to “shift left” by giving data scientists the power to leverage Kaniko to self-service build containers using Kubeflow Pipelines. ArgoCD was used to deliver the models. We failed and we needed a DevOps detox. The CI process we imagined was complex and didn’t serve the data scientists in a meaningful way. We will discuss why Kserve is a lightweight and production-ready solution that can improve the outcomes we initially sought with Kaniko and KFP and how we as engineers can improve the OSS MLOps community.