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From YouTube: How Bloomberg Uses AI to Help Speed up Over-the-Counter Trading - Camilo Ortiz & Philipp Meerkamp


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How Bloomberg Uses AI to Help Speed up Over-the-Counter Trading - Camilo Ortiz & Philipp Meerkamp

Did you know that trillions of dollars in securities are traded over-the-counter each year as a result of interactive conversations related to negotiated financial instrument transactions – also known as Dialogue Acts – conducted by traders using Bloomberg’s messaging tools (group chats and emails)? In this talk, we will describe how Bloomberg’s AI Engineering team builds and maintains services that detect offers of financial instruments in group chats to help traders who have requested to implement the add-on features that use these machine learning models to be more efficient in their negotiations. In particular, we will show how Kubernetes custom controllers – KServe and Kubeflow training operators – are critical in several steps of the model development life cycle (MDLC), including sampling of relevant data, training and distillation of models, A/B testing, and production deployments.