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From YouTube: Cluster-as-a-Service by Vyshak Srivatsa Raghavendra and Sachin Phogat


Though containers offer the same application portability and scaling capability when deployed on VMs or BareMetal servers, it is proven to be more performance effective on baremetals. However, there are several challenges to manage the lifecycle of bare metal nodes and Kubernetes under a single umbrella. There are many use cases, for example latency-sensitive applications like CDN, where application providers are made to tradeoff cloud agility with performance-oriented bare metal hosting. With the help opensource CNCF approach, we'll explain bridging this gap with services around dynamic bare metal provisioning, on-demand seamless Kubernetes cluster installation and application deployment orchestrator. With this feature, once can bring cloud-like agility to manage bare metal servers like virtual machines. We are managing 100’s of baremetal nodes distributed across different geo locations across world. Although we have validated the solution around baremetal, same can also be reused to private and public cloud deployments. This enables customers to avail best of both worlds without any tradeoffs, be it on infra flexibility or application performance or security. Also with the application orchestrator, one can easily adapt to distributed application deployment across clouds.