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From YouTube: Zero-cost Automation For Kubernetes Developers by Gayathri R and Kishore Sampathkumar


Developers spend numerous days onboarding applications to Kubernetes, automating end-to-end DevOps pipelines by integrating with multiple tools and implementing monitoring, logging and alerting to simplify the application maintenance. Setting up a simple CI/CD pipeline requires configuring and maintaining separate build environments. Developers configure different tools like prometheus, Grafana and elastic search to setup a logging and monitoring framework. In this session, we will be discussing the gopaddle lite – a life time free zero cost solution on microk8s for end-to-end modernization and automation. At the end of this session, developers will be able to enable gopaddle lite add-on in microk8s, containerise, build docker images, deploy applications to their local microk8s environments and setup CI/CD pipeline in minutes. They will be able to monitor applications and get notification on slack for various cluster and application events with minimal configuration.