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From YouTube: Pre-cloud Cassandra to Multi-Cloud Kubernetes by Rags Srinivas


Although some of today’s cloud properties, like elasticity, scalability, self-healing, durability, DR, etc. seemed revolutionary during the pre-cloud days, Cassandra had many of these properties already. With the ever growing popularity of Kubernetes, the k8ssandra open source project is intended to bring Cassandra's advantages to the cloud and help simplify operations. The biggest challenge in the Kubernetes world today is multi-cloud. Althoug easy to conceptualize, it is hard to implement. After a quick overview of Cassandra, k8ssandra, you will see how the worlds of Cassandra and Kubernetes on the cloud collide in a remarkably cohesive way to incorporate the best of both. In this primarily demo driven session, demoed at Kubecon, attendees will walk away with a good understanding of the k8ssandra project, support multi-region and multi-cloud. Along this journey we will look at one-off deployments on GKE, EKS including multi-cloud (GKE and EKS). On EKS, we leverage EKS Kubefed.