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From YouTube: Ready, Set, Go for K8s at edge today for AI/ML with Tensorflow - Amol Chobe & Sachin Rathee, Red Hat


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Ready, Set, Go for K8s at edge today for AI/ML with Tensorflow - Amol Chobe & Sachin Rathee, Red Hat

At the edge, you typically have to work with a smaller footprint of infrastructure that don’t have enough capacity to run K8s effectively, such as with the majority of IoT devices that are just sensors. Considerations should also be made for bandwidth, connectivity and latency issues at edge. We will discuss potential K8s architecture patterns that can be used for edge workloads, along with all the different elements you’ll need to build an architecture that matches each application’s requirement of low-latency, data privacy and bandwidth scalability. With TensorFlow running at the edge within K8s, you can deploy deep learning models as microservices. We discuss how to apply ML models to detect real-time IoT anomaly and threat mitigation.