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From YouTube: Demo: GitOps on Kubernetes with Consul, Vault & Terraform


Peter McCarron (Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Consul) and Rosemary Wang (Developer Advocate, HashiCorp) demonstrate how to use HashiCorp Consul, Vault, and Terraform to implement GitOps workflows on Kubernetes. By combining infrastructure as code, service mesh, gateways, secrets management, and GitOps, they show how to manage, secure, connect, and deploy applications to Kubernetes using Flux and managed services, including Terraform Cloud and HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP).

00:24 - Agenda
01:01 - Introductions
02:08 - Set up Kubernetes, Vault, Consul, and database on AWS with Terraform Cloud
05:25 - Introduction to GitOps
06:41 - Infrastructure and application architecture
08:52 - Workflows for the platform engineer & developer
29:48 - Conclusion

Platform Engineer Workflow
10:23 - Configure service mesh certificate to use Vault
15:33 - Configure Consul API Gateway for services that need ingress
17:03 - Configure Consul terminating gateway for external services

Developer Workflow
17:48 - Secure service-to-service communication with Consul intentions
19:54 - Deploy applications with Flux
20:47 - Connect database to service mesh with terminating gateway
21:16 - Add an HTTP route to API Gateway
22:46 - Inject database username and password to application
24:36 - Configure Consul service mesh in applications
25:53 - Deploy a new version of frontend application
28:20 - Revert commit and roll forward previous version of application

To learn more, check out...
Demo Code:
Sign up for HashiCorp Cloud Platform:
Sign up for Terraform Cloud:
Consul API Gateway:
Consul Service Mesh on Kubernetes:
Vault on Kubernetes:
Manage Kubernetes with Terraform:
Vault as Certificate Manager on Kubernetes:

#Consul #HashiCorp #Vault #Terraform #GitOps #Kubernetes #Flux #ServiceMesh #SecretsManagement #Security #TLS #InfrastructureAsCode #CertificateManagement #APIGateway #NetworkPolicy #Envoy #AWS


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HashiCorp provides infrastructure automation software for multi-cloud environments, enabling enterprises to unlock a common cloud operating model to provision, secure, connect, and run any application on any infrastructure. HashiCorp open source tools Vagrant, Packer, Terraform, Vault, Consul, Nomad, Boundary, and Waypoint allow organizations to deliver applications faster by helping enterprises transition from manual processes and ITIL practices to self-service automation and DevOps practices.

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