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From YouTube: Automate Your SLO Validation with Prometheus & Flagger - Sanskar Jaiswal & Kingdon Patrick Barrett


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Automate Your SLO Validation with Prometheus & Flagger - Sanskar Jaiswal & Kingdon Patrick Barrett, Weaveworks

Flagger is a progressive delivery tool that automates the release process for applications running on Kubernetes, by gradually shifting traffic to the new version while validating metrics and running conformance tests. Prometheus is a great monitoring and observability tool. Another way to look at it, is that it’s an easy way of validating Service Level Objectives(SLOs) and Key Performance Indicators(KPIs). Flagger leverages this feature of Prometheus by ensuring that the new version of their application behaves as desired, letting developers be confident about their code, before exposing it to users. In this talk, we will discuss about how Flagger utilizes Prometheus to automate canary deployments using progressive delivery. Furthermore, we will see how Flagger integrates with KEDA ScaledObjects which lets you scale your workloads during a canary analysis using a Prometheus scaler to simulate real world conditions.