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From YouTube: Boost Your Logs with Prometheus! From Logs to Metrics - Jaime Yera Hidalgo, Sysdig


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Boost Your Logs with Prometheus! From Logs to Metrics - Jaime Yera Hidalgo, Sysdig

Sometimes, finding useful metrics from applications is not easy. Prometheus is the Cloud Native standard for monitoring, but some applications still have more info in their logs than what they provide as metrics. Logs have always been used to track application problems and warnings, but with observability technologies like Prometheus and all those metrics, it could be tough to open that logs and gather that information. Using open source projects, such as Fluentd, mtail, Grok exporter, and others, we can generate new information as Prometheus metrics from these logs. This useful information can be combined with actual Prometheus metrics collected by exporters or directly from the application itself. This way, we have Prometheus as a complementary tool to the logs for troubleshooting problems and alerting on issues. In this talk, Jaime will explain how to create Prometheus metrics from another pillar of observability: log files. The audience of this talk will learn: - Scrap useful information from logs - Turn information from logs into Prometheus metrics - Combine scrapping tools with monitoring applications