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From YouTube: How MS3 Supports 10,000+ Transactions Per Second with Kuma Service Mesh Across VMs a... Jose Montoya


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How MS3 Supports 10,000+ Transactions Per Second with Kuma Service Mesh Across VMs and Kubernetes - Jose Montoya, MS3

With more businesses moving to digital, MS3 needed a simple way to address cross-cutting concerns such as security and observability, to accelerate the delivery of cloud native applications in a microservices architecture using containers and Kubernetes. This session covers how Kuma end-user, MS3, leveraged the service mesh project for a cost-effective way to address these concerns at the platform level and removed from the application developers’ responsibilities. We'll provide real-world examples to help other organizations implement service mesh to expedite digital transformation initiatives due to COVID-19. We’ll cover how MS3 leverages Kuma, an open-source control plane for service mesh built on top of Envoy, for their Enterprise Integration Platform to support commercial and federal customers with no performance impact for apps handling over 10,000 transactions per second