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From YouTube: Creating Chaos in the University with Linkerd and Chaos Mesh - J. B. C. Fajardo & S. A. M. Aguilar


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Creating Chaos in the University with Linkerd and Chaos Mesh - Jossie Bismarck Castrillo Fajardo & Sergio Arnaldo Méndez Aguilar, Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

This talk presents a guide to create chaos engineering experiments using the technical approach and advantages of service meshes. It also shows how you use and interpret collected data from Linkerd during a chaos experiment and how Linkerd can complement Chaos Mesh for other types of chaos experiments. The talk is based on Jossie Castrillo thesis guided by professor Sergio Méndez both from San Carlos University of Guatemala. This talk also shows the challenges that a student has to develop and research about cloud native technologies in order to find valid use cases for Chaos Engineering that can be applied on real life situations. At the end, Jossie shows a short chaos experiment using Linkerd to generate faulty traffic and Chaos Mesh for additional chaos experiments, at the same time Sergio explains how to interpret the collected metrics and data from that experiment.