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From YouTube: A Packet Eye View of the Istio Ambient Mesh- Justin Pettit, Google & Lin Sun,


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A Packet Eye View of the Istio Ambient Mesh- Justin Pettit, Google & Lin Sun,

While service mesh has been widely adopted in production, many enterprise users have expressed concerns about the intrusive nature of the sidecar pattern, such as breaking certain applications, requiring disruptive upgrades due to CVEs, and often reserving large amounts of unnecessary resources. This talk explores how service meshes can require zero change to the application with a new sidecarless architecture while still providing the common service mesh functions such as security, observability, traffic management, and resiliency. Justin and Lin have worked closely with the Istio maintainers on defining the new Istio mesh sidecarless architecture. We will discuss the new architecture from the packet eye view through live demos and an architectural deep dive, along with how it can interact with workloads using traditional sidecars. You’ll walk away with instructions on how to try this new architecture from Istio on your own!