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From YouTube: Building Multi-Cloud Service Meshes at Snowflake - Charles Xu, Snowflake


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Building Multi-Cloud Service Meshes at Snowflake - Charles Xu, Snowflake

Snowflake (NYSE: SNOW) products are multi-cloud. So is its infrastructure. Multi-cloud is hard because of cloud-specific primitives and cross-cloud feature disparity, but at Snowflake, we do it with hundreds of Kubernetes (k8s) clusters and millions of non-k8s VMs. This talk discusses the challenges we faced and the lessons learned. Some topics include:
How service mesh is critical in cloud-agnostic architectures
Our use cases of HTTP, mTLS, and TCP ingress, and the surprises with persistent TCP connections
Autoscaling ingress gateways while preserving source IP address at Layer 3
Blue-green upgrade the control plane and gateways: why traffic shifting by DNS updates is bad, and how we do it without DNS and in cloud-agnostic way
Open questions with multi-cloud that service mesh could not solve