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From YouTube: Multi(Control Plane/Network/Mesh)??: A Practical MultiCluster... Nicholas Nellis & Vikas Choudhary


Multi(Control Plane/Network/Mesh)??: A Practical MultiCluster Deployment - Nicholas Nellis & Vikas Choudhary, Tetrate

While Working with several traditional customers spanning defense, finance, etc., we found that the service mesh multicluster models that exist today are completely unusable from an enterprise point of view. They are designed with the network administrator in mind, focusing on how to connect two clusters, and not on how developers across teams like to consume the services exposed by other teams. The multicluster models that app teams want, turned out to be dramatically simpler than the ones out there today. This talk discusses our experiences working with these teams, our learnings from how they built out an API-centric multicluster model and what we as a community of (mostly) infrastructure developers should do to better support the application teams