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From YouTube: Istio Service Mesh Simplified Beyond a Single Cluster - Lin Sun, IBM & Sven Mawson, Google


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Istio Service Mesh Simplified Beyond a Single Cluster - Lin Sun, IBM & Sven Mawson, Google

We have made numerous improvements to the Istio project over the past year to simplify the experience for users and operators in a single cluster. This year we have been focusing on improving the experience beyond a single cluster, simplifying multicluster deployment by merging the replicated control plane and shared control plane patterns. Within this unified multicluster pattern, users can choose a control plane and network topology based on their business needs and requirements. We have also been simplifying Istio's usage beyond containers, making it easier for users to securely onboard VMs into the service mesh. In this talk, we will be demoing the new and improved experience for using Istio with multiple clusters and expanding the mesh to VMs.