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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Helm and the Sigstore Ecosystem - Andrew Block, Red Hat


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Lightning Talk: Helm and the Sigstore Ecosystem - Andrew Block, Red Hat

Helm has become an integral mechanism for packaging and deploying applications within Kubernetes environments. Similar to any other Kubernetes workload represented as containers, Helm chart contents should be signed and verified. Fortunately, efforts within the Sigstore community have brought forth new capabilities when working with Helm in this space. In this lightning talk, attendees will be introduced to the various efforts related to signing and verifying Helm charts using the Sigstore ecosystem. In particular, attendees will: * Learn the various methods that Helm charts can be signed and verified. * Leverage the capabilities provided by the Sigstore project to manage Helm content. * Be introduced to the Helm charts provided by Sigstore and how they can be used. * Understand how they can contribute to the Sigstore project and interact with the community.