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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Security Considerations with Fulcio and OIDC JWTs - Zach Steindler, GitHub


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Lightning Talk: Security Considerations with Fulcio and OIDC JWTs - Zach Steindler, GitHub

Fulcio relies on OIDC JWTs to authenticate requests, as well as providing information about the build environment if the OIDC provider supports it. This is great, as it allows trust between systems without having to manage long-lived API keys, but there's security considerations to be aware of as you use these JWTs. Specifically, we'll go over what data is sent when interacting with Fulcio and Rekor, why it's good to customize the audience when you request a JWT from your OIDC provider, how to approach validating fields, and things to look out for if you find yourself writing code to validate JWTs.