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From YouTube: Lightning Talk: Sigstore Meets Ferris: Rust in Supply Chain Security - Lily Sturmann, Red Hat


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Lightning Talk: Sigstore Meets Ferris: Rust in Supply Chain Security - Lily Sturmann, Red Hat

Sigstore is gaining momentum as a new standard for signing, verifying and protecting software. It aims to improve supply chain technology for anyone using open source projects: it is created for open source maintainers, by open source maintainers. Rust is a systems programming language known for its speed and built-in emphasis on security. While many of the tools in the Sigstore ecosystem are written in Go, some portions of these tools are now being ported to Rust, which will allow them to be available for more diverse use cases and environments. This session will cover the use of Rust in Sigstore and the integrations and use cases this enables. Note: This presentation will differ from the talk of the same name, "Sigstore Meets Ferris," in that the Devconf one is aimed more at a beginner audience and includes more of a recap of what sigstore is, which will not be the purpose of this talk.