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From YouTube: 6 Best Practices for Continuous Delivery Pipelines - Diego Lemos de Resende & Derik Evangelista


6 Best Practices for Continuous Delivery Pipelines - Diego Lemos de Resende & Derik Evangelista, VMware

Pipelines are meant to be the road that will guide your team from code straight to production, automating everything on its way. Pipelines should be a source of joy for developers, the team's safe harbour. But the reality can be different, and many teams are struggling to get their pipelines right, spending time and energy fighting against automation instead of having their pipelines delivering value. In this talk, Diego and Derik will live code a Continuous Delivery pipeline from scratch, from commit to production, using Concourse. During the talk, we will make use of some CD best practices, and explain why you should adopt them in order to make your way to production more reliable and joyful.

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