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From YouTube: DASH Behavioral Model WG Feb 2 2023


WIP snapshot of something that compiles with the P4 DPDK compiler
Thank you Andy!

Add Private Link mapping by marian-pritsak ยท

Discuss: Add/Transition from bmv2 to P4 DPDK target

AI: Andy will try to run maybe next week or so to see if it executes (check for gaps)
Should not be a mess of IF/DEFs
Chris created a docker file w/DPDK backend for Andy, can compile this version of code w/every version of CI

Marian: execute on real DPDK BE software

Add-on-miss available in PNA, implemented in DPDK, there is an active development community there. We want to make sure there is no degradation if we switch to different BE (do not break out party hats yet folks)
Correct syntax errors in PNA_CONNTRACK version of code - Andy
These had IF/DEF PNA conntrack around them

Q: range port list and list port list (in bmv2) public?
A: Marian: simplified version s/be on par
unroll the range by looping through it

Saad: open contrail issue in P4; need proven xn tracking implementation
paste code into new work item
Kristina opened: