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From YouTube: DASH Behavioral Model WG Aug 24 2023


Emulation of P4 into Python - Saad
To solve language limitations in the reference model; also has 'static analysis' (big string input)
Stateful features not in P4 or bmv2; translated to Python to see if it is useful?
Look at DPDK and bmv2 - perf constraints are not there; it is functionally working
Chris: integrate w/SAI PTF & SAI Challenger :) - offered to work together
Chris: more annotations from Marian?
Marian: orthogonal to Saad's questions. Source for SAI API generation is the .json file generated by the compiler. Today you can find both examples in the generated file. Native field or field from annotations to understand the 'type' information and flags (SAI flags and annotations, for example).

DPDK BE test/experiment
Usha is working on this