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From YouTube: #Binance! #EOS Docs #Pomelo S4 #Wharfkit #Eden $500k #Emanate #poker Fireside Dec 7th


:This week the Fireside community gets updates on all the current projects and news including EOS Developer Documentation, Greymass WHARF, Pomelo season 4, EOS Node Operator Roundtable, and much more!

00:00:00 Welcome to the EOS Fireside Chat by Stephane
00:02:50 Chat GPT by Stephane, Nathan
00:05:09 EOS Developer Documentation overhaul by Nathan, Hernan
00:12:26 Binance integrates USDT on EOS by Stephane, Zack
00:30:54 Greymass WHARF SDK by Aaron, Zack, Nathan, Brandon
00:42:22 Pomelo season 4 by Stephane, Daniel
00:52:14 EOS holiday gift giveaway by Stephane, Lliam, Zack
00:59:07 Rapid Fire pitch sessions by Stephane
01:06:54 Eden on EOS donation by Stephane, Andrew, Waxa, Mell
01:12:23 EOS Node Operator Roundtable by Stephane
01:19:09 Emanate streaming platform by Stephane, Hernan
01:20:32 Tiny Enemies closed beta by Stephane
01:21:24 Community open mic
01:24:43 Immutable Realms zine by Lars
01:33:54 Creator Talk and Fractal Apple by Dan
01:39:04 Antelope Swiss Workshop by Patrick
01:45:25 EOS community poker tournament by Stephane
01:50:45 Go EOS!
01:51:55 End

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