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From YouTube: Unlocking Novel Demand for Carbon Credits- Marcus Aurelius - MontaƱa (Main Stage)


Traditionally, the primary consumers of verified carbon credits have been large corporations purchasing offsets via brokers to offset residual emissions and fulfill their net-zero commitments. However, this source of demand can only take the market so far.

In particular, the batched nature of corporate net-zero purchases creates an imbalanced market structure in the traditional carbon markets, where there are constantly "sell" offers but only sporadic "buy" bids. Hence, price discovery in traditional carbon markets is extremely limited, as buyers typically show up once or twice a year, so they are force to pay whatever price their broker offers them.

To alleviate this imbalance in the ecosystem, KlimaDAO is cultivating additional sources of demand, especially recurring demand that creates small but consistent activity spread evenly around the calendar year.

Beyond absorbing credits into its own treasury via bonding, the Klima Infinity program has active partnerships across several verticals focused on bringing in new participants into the carbon markets. Many of these new participants retirement activities are not necessarily driven by 1:1 net-zero offsetting, but rather by a commitment to climate-positive action

Some examples:

- Live events committing to reduce single use plastics, adopt a sustainable swag strategy, as well as offsetting in excess of calculated emissions (like SBS!!!)

- Working with SushiSwap to integrate a "green fee" into their transaction flow, the first of many DeFi protocols we are partnering with to integrate retirement as part of their fee structure

- Lens Protocol retirement Collect Modules empower content creators on Lens to redirect their Collect fees toward retiring carbon credits

- Consumer goods companies integrating perpetual carbon offsetting into the purchase of their products: e.g. jewelry company that stakes KLIMA on behalf of each unit purchased and perpetually uses a portion of the rebases to retire carbon credits

- Sustainable Blockchain Summit LATAM 2022 -