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From YouTube: Consumers To Contributors: Open Source As a Competitive Advantage - Brendan O'Leary, GitLab


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Consumers To Contributors: Open Source As a Competitive Advantage - Brendan O'Leary, GitLab

Speakers: Brendan O'Leary
As open source software has eaten the software world, it can be your biggest asset or cause your biggest problems. Most of the time, we consume open source without really considering the long-term impact on our business. So why would a business, enterprise, or organization decide to become a Contributor instead of just a Consumer? In this talk, we'll look at some of the biggest success stories in enterprise open source software partnerships and some of the cautionary tales. The more an organization is involved in co-creating the open source packages they use, the more both the organization and the open source project benefit. This session is for everyone: open source maintainers, OSPO leaders, or open source advocates in large enterprises. At the end of our session, you'll be able to articulate the tangible and emergent benefits organizations and enterprises gain when they stop just consuming open source software and instead embrace "Everyone can contribute."