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From YouTube: July Direction update for Analytics


Bonus content below!

Presentation with hyperlinks to epics and issues.


00:00 Recap of direction as of January
03:22 These seven insights are as relevant today as they were in January.
03:54 My one reservation is about using DevOps Lifecycle in the Product UI.
05:36 Helping with adoption of plan is important for the business.
06:15 Learning #1 - The need for a way to tell the story about GitLab's metrics or dashboard offerings isn't isn't just a problem for the 13 analytics capabilities, it is a problem across the GitLab product.
08:36 Learning #2 - Refocussing value stream investments in an interactive experience that generates daily use.
10:44 Learning #3 - We need to make it easier and faster to get breadth across the lifecycle and focusing on a metrics library and generic capabilities will help.
12:09 Engaging other teams to build up the library.
12:48 New Diagram for Analytics Categories