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From YouTube: IPFS Basics: Accessing Files


In this tutorial, you can follow along to understand the basics of how you as a user can access, add, and pin files in IPFS. Follow along with the examples to learn about pinning and adding files, how files from IPFS can be previewed and inspected, and learn a bit about how that data is created and stored on IPFS.

This content is creates as a part of Protocol Labs' Launchpad program at

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00:00 Start
00:19 ipfs swarm peers
00:37 Accessing Files with the CLI on IPFS
00:56 ipfs cat
01:10 ipfs get
01:31 Adding Data to an IPFS Node
01:48 ipfs add
02:14 ipfs pin ls --type=all
02:48 ipfs DAG inspector
02:58 ipfs pin add
03:14 Ipfs refs -r