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From YouTube: Easy Java Integration Testing with Testcontainers - JakartaOne 2022


Integration testing is always a difficult area. You need to make sure that all system dependencies are prepared, data is correctly initialised for each run and test runs do not interfere with each other. Even with tools like the Arquillian Framework, writing integration tests can be a complicated task and the act of maintaining large sets of tests can become a nightmare if there’s not enough knowledge of all dependencies involved.

With the Testcontainers project, convoluted and complicated integration tests can be a thing of the past. A test container allows you to create reliable integration tests covering a wide range of scenarios like using databases, microservices interactions and even GUI and user experience testing. One of the important factors for the success of this framework is the usage of Docker containers to create a reliable reproducible environment for each test, which separates the dependencies and the application code in a way that it is easy to maintain for developers.

This talk will showcase the basics of Test containers, how to create quick integration tests for some common scenarios and will use both Payara Server and Payara Micro to test sample enterprise Java applications.


Jakarta EE gives developers a comprehensive set of vendor-neutral, open specifications that are used for developing modern, cloud native Java applications from the ground up. With Jakarta EE, technology developers and consumers can be confident they have the best technologies for developing cloud native, mission-critical applications. And they can build on decades of Java developer expertise to move existing workloads to the cloud.

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