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From YouTube: Part 2/8 - Getting Started: 8-Part APISecOps Tutorial ROSA and Kong Konnect in Red Hat Openshift


APISecOps - Insomnia, Kong Konnect, Tekton - on ROSA

Part 2 of 8 Kong Partner Engineering's APISecOps Tutorial ROSA and Kong Konnect in the Red Hat Openshift Ecosystem: Getting Started.

In part 2 we walk through the tools, technology, clusters, run-time groups and other prerequisites you need to get started.

Follow along in GitHub:

Getting Started


1. Openshift Cluster - This demo will step through the rosa cli command to create a ROSA cluster but any OpenShift cluster will suffice. This demo has been tested on OCP 4.11.

2. Ansible Core - The playbooks have been tested on 2.13.5 and python version 3.10.8. More information can be found at Installing Ansible.

3. Kong Konnect Plus Account - The demo requires an Konnect Plus grade account because 2 runtime groups and several enterprise grade plugins are used. For more information please review the Kong Konnect Pricing Plan and creation of a Personal Access Token in Konnect.

4. Insomnia - To download check out Insomnia Download.

5. oc cli - The binary download can be found in the openshift console, in the ? tab on the top right.

6. Helm 3 cli - Follow the helm documentation to install the binary Helm Install

ROSA and Konnect Configuration

Execute the install ansible playbook. The play will do the following:

Cert Manager Operator - install and create Konnect DP self-signed certs
Openshift Pipelines Operator - install
Gitea - install and configure
create and/or configure runtime groups (Default and Dev)
create konnect gateways (runtime instances)
APIOps - create namespaces, install tekton pipelines and create tekton pipelineruns
Disputes Sample App - create namespace and deploy

Find all the resources you need in our self-paced demo on GitHub: