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From YouTube: Part 3/8 - Review + Config 8-Part APISecOps Tutorial ROSA and Kong Konnect in the Red Hat Openshift


APISecOps - Insomnia, Kong Konnect, Tekton - on ROSA

Part 3 of 8 Kong Partner Engineering's APISecOps Tutorial ROSA and Kong Konnect in the Red Hat Openshift Ecosystem: Getting Started p2 - Review of Sandboxes and Clusters + ROSA and Konnect Configuration

In part 3 we continue with Part 2 of "Getting Started" post Playbook completion, starting with collecting output information that will be used throughout the demo.

In in the following part of tutorial in part 4, we will begin diving into Insomnia and starting the first step in API design.

Follow along in GitHub:

Getting Started

ROSA and Konnect Configuration

Execute the install ansible playbook. The play will do the following:

Cert Manager Operator - install and create Konnect DP self-signed certs
Openshift Pipelines Operator - install
Gitea - install and configure
create and/or configure runtime groups (Default and Dev)
create konnect gateways (runtime instances)
APIOps - create namespaces, install tekton pipelines and create tekton pipelineruns
Disputes Sample App - create namespace and deploy


Two Runtime Groups will be either created or at least checked that it exists - Default, and Dev.

Each runtime group will be provisioned 1 runtime instance (also referred to as a Gateway, Dataplane, or Proxy), each one will be in their own namespace, kong-sandbox, and kong-dev. These Gateways are exposed via loadbalancers, and are where API Consumers will call the protected backend services.

Openshift Pipelines/Tekton

The three pipelines to be executed will be in the namespaces disputes-apispec and apiops-gateway. The separation between namespaces is to demonstrate how pipelines belonging to different personas (Dev Teams vs. Governance and API Operator teams) can be managed in a more secure fashion.

Gitea (Self-hosted Git service)

Gitea is a self-hosted Git service. It is stood up in the cluster in the gitea namespace. The two git repos required to run the demo are imported, and any dummy passwords needed for the demo are seeded in the projects and provided to the user. Details on the two repositories:

acmebank-disputes-apispec: Contains the .insomnia design disputes API Design doc.
acmebank-apiops-gateway: Contains the governance rules, deck and apispec files version controlled.
Disputes Sample Application

The sample application is deployed in disputes-dev namespace. It is a very small JBoss EAP application server.

Find all the resources you need in our self-paced demo on GitHub: