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From YouTube: How to Grow and Nourish Tech Communities with Daliya Spasova | #KongSummit22


Growing tech communities is surprisingly similar to caring for plants: each community (and plant) is unique and needs different care. If you struggle to keep a cactus alive, it can be daunting - but don’t panic! In this interactive session, Daliya Spasova, Community Manager, Kong will share four things you can do to help any tech community thrive. There will even be swag for those willing to answer some brain teasers!

1. We’ll begin with planting seeds — where and how you can start getting involved with your local tech communities.
2. We’ll discuss a framework for nurturing tech communities as they sprout.
3. As your community takes root, it needs tending to if it’s going to flourish. For this, Daliya will showcase some community maintenance techniques.
4. Finally, even green thumbs need the right tools to keep a garden growing season over season.

You will learn the essentials for sustaining a healthy community in the long run. Throughout this talk, you will get real-world recommendations on how to successfully expand your community while getting practical examples of community programs run in Kong that have helped drastically grow a healthy and curious community.