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From YouTube: PnP Provisioning Engine - Introducing PnP file type for template handling


In this demo video Vesa Juvonen shows how to get started with PnP Provisioning Engine using PnP PowerShell and how to export and use the new PnP file type as the template container. Starting from PnP June 2016 release, you can now export site templates to PnP file type, which is actually an OpenXML document containing template definition and possible additional assets.

Demo uses PnP PowerShell Cmdlets ( from simplicity perspective, but you can also take advantage of the new PnP file type with managed code in your provider hosted add-ins or from any managed code. Since engine can be used with PowerShell or with code, you can take advantage of this advance template model regardless of your provisioning logic or regardless if you are IT Pro or a developer.

Since both template and possible asset files (like branding files) are bundled to single OpenXML document, you can more easily manage different templates. We are also looking into releasing open source template gallery during autumn 2016, which will allow anyone to share their remote provisioning templates for the community to reuse.

Demo presenter: Vesa Juvonen

PnP Provisioning Engine was originally released with Office 365 Dev Patterns and Practices May 2015 release and we've continued adding new capabilities as part of the monthly releases. You can always find details around newly added capabilities or changes as part of the PnP monthly communications.

Additional Resources:
See following links for additional details around covered topics.

- PnP Webcast - Feature Framework vs. Remote Provisioning -
- PnP Webcast - Introduction to Office 365 Dev PnP Provisioning Engine -
- Deep Dive to PnP Provisioning Engine Schema
- Getting started with PnP Provisioning Engine
- Introduction to Pnp Site Provisioning Engine -

If you have any feedback or comments related on this video, please use the Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices Yammer group to provider your input. Thx for your interest advance.