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From YouTube: SharePoint Dev Weekly - Episode 53 - 24th of September 2019


SharePoint Dev Weekly is a weekly video chat where Vesa and typically Waldek are talking about the latest news and topics around the SharePoint dev area.

This time they did not have a visitor and that's most likely the reason why the discussion went so long and got side ways so many times... Discussion topic was really around the differences on building a product vs executing a project and how that impacts on the execution with numerous real life examples on both sides.

Episode is also available as a podcast from

Got feedback or input? - Don't hesitate to let us know.

If you want your article or sample mentioned, please use the #SPDevWeekly hashtag on Twitter for letting us know.

This video was recorded on Monday 23rd of September 2019.

You can find more details on the weekly summary from the SharePoint Dev blog from

More details on the SharePoint Dev community available from