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From YouTube: Introduction to React Yammer Praise sample for Microsoft Teams and SharePoint


In this 9-minute developer focused demo, Ramin Ahmadi shares an idea for orgs that use Yammer. His web part allows users to Praise colleagues from a Teams tab or Sharepoint page. In the web part, you can search for people, add a message, select a Yammer Group, select a praise representation icon and preview the post in Yammer. The web part uses the Yammer REST API SPFx web part, React hooks, SPFx people picker control, and gets tokens for authenticating to M365 resources from Azure AD. This demo is extracted from the bi-weekly PnP community – SharePoint Framework and JavaScript Special Interest Group (SIG) call recorded May 7, 2020.

Presenter: Ramin Ahmadi (Content and Code) | @raminahmadi1986

Supporting materials:
• Sample: React Yammer API
• Sample: React Yammer Praise

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