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From YouTube: 2021-09-21 - Sudheer Chunduri, Kevin Harms - Darshan 3.3.1 & Autoperf 2.0 updates


NERSC Data Seminars Series:

Sudheer Chunduri, Argonne National Lab
Kevin Harms, Argonne National Lab

Darshan 3.3.0 & Autoperf 2.0 updates

AutoPerf is a lightweight profiling tool used for Automatic performance collection of MPI (focused on MPI 2.0 operations) usage and hardware performance counter information. AutoPerf 1.0 was deployed on Argonne’s earlier general machine called Mira and was successfully collected logs for over 4-5 years. The analysis from this data was helpful in providing several insights in the MPI space* and beyond. Considering the feedback from this study and to enhance the coverage for more MPI 3.0 operations and other improvements in the recorded and reported summary data, Autoperf 2.0 is designed. AutoPerf2.0 implements two additional Darshan instrumentation modules that can provide details on application MPI communication usage and application performance characteristics on Cray XC platforms. We will describe our plans for future work in this topic and provide a summary of Darshan latest release.

Sudheer Chunduri is a member of Performance Engineering team at ALCF working on the interconnects and MPI developments and performance analysis.

Kevin Harms is a Performance Engineering Team Lead at ALCF working on Parallel IO, storage and platform analysis and benchmarking aspects.

Host of Seminar:
Taylor Groves
Advanced Technologies Group
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory