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From YouTube: 2020-03-16 - Suren Byna, Quincey Koziol - ECP HDF5 - New features and applications


NERSC Data Seminars:

Title: ECP HDF5 - New features and applications

Abstract: HDF5 is a data model, file format, and I/O library that has become a de facto standard for HPC applications to achieve scalable I/O and for storing and managing big data from computer modeling, large physics experiments and observations. Several Exascale Computing Project (ECP) applications are currently using or planning to use HDF5 for I/O. The ExaHDF5 project team of the ECP is working on developing and productizing various features to improve the efficiency of parallel I/O to take advantage of exascale architectures. In this presentation, we will talk about these features, including Virtual Object Layer (VOL), asynchronous I/O, subfiling, Data Elevator, independent metadata updates, querying, etc. The presentation also include integration of HDF5 into ECP applications and co-design efforts, such as EQSIM and AMReX.